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For some strange reason which I have yet to identify… my ESC was powered when FC was hooked up to computer. This meant I could not drag sliders to MAX, plug in battery as when i dragged to max, the motor would spin and not engaged the calibration.

To solve this I had to do it a manual way using CLI commands.

REMOVE PROPELLERS before working with the quadcopter. You’ve been warned.

DISCONNECT Lipo Battery, then type command in CLI:

set min_command=2000

Hit enter and type save.

Now disconnect USB cable to power off the flight controller. Power up the Naze again by plugging in the Lipo, and then the USB cable. After bootup go back to CLI and type:

set min_command=1000

Now enter “save” and you should hear a musical tone from the motors, which means all ESC’s are calibrated.

To check if the calibration was successful, go to “Motors” tab, and check if each motor spins to the same input value. (Remember do not mount your probs when doing this test.)

Thanks to OSCARLIANG.com – https://oscarliang.com/cleanflight-naze32-setup/

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