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Download Eachine H8 Mini EEPE here

Download Eachine CX10 EEPE here

The guide below is for the H8 Mini, however CX10 is pretty much the same.

Upload H8 Mini EEPE To Your Taranis

  1. Make sure you have Taranis Open TX Companion Installed
  2. You may also need the driver “ST Virtual COM port driver V1.3.1 for Taranis CLI” from that same link above (at the bottom of the page)
  3. Launch Open TX Compansion
  4. Click Read Models & Settings From Radio
    2016-06-07 18_41_50-OpenTX Companion 2.1.7 - Radio_ FrSky Taranis Plus - Profile_ My Radio
  5.  Now you should see a window with your models.
  6. Go back to Open TX Companion and go to file—> open and select the eepe file you downloaded at the top of this guide.
    2016-06-07 18_58_11-OpenTX Companion 2.1.7 - Radio_ FrSky Taranis Plus - Profile_ My Radio
  7. You should now have another window to the right with the model.
    2016-06-07 22_53_23-OpenTX Companion 2.1.7 - Radio_ FrSky Taranis Plus - Profile_ My Radio
  8. Simply drag it across to your models in a free slot.
  9. When you are done, close our models and go to the menu at top —> Read / Write —> “Write settings and models to Radio”
  10. 2016-06-07 18_59_41-OpenTX Companion 2.1.7 - Radio_ FrSky Taranis Plus - Profile_ My Radio

Now you just need to load the NRF24 multipro Multi Protocol TX Adapter Module in the back of your taranis

Select the Model and then bind to your H8mini!

Switches and what they do

SE – Bind/Rebind Quad
SH – Flip
SD – 40% , 70%, 100% power level
SF – Head

Happy Days!



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1 Comment

  1. hi, i’m trying to use this configuration for H8 mini in tx16s

    i send some signals to channel 6, but the drone does not flip

    i tried to read this settings in companion 2.3 but i dont see anything related to flips

    do you know what i should do?


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