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It’s sometimes hard to find good information, so here’s the diagram you require!

x5 hookup


Once you connect everything up you will need to set the following in Cleanflight

Ports Tab (STEP 1)

UART1 = LEAVE AS IS (For USB connection)

Configuration Tab (Step 2)

Turn On VBAT
Turn On Telementary
Turn On SBUS
Change Receiver Mode to Serial


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  1. am trying to construct a drone for my degree project ..and i intend on using this flight controller .please sir can to send me a connection diagram for the S3 flight contoller that will include the connections for the ESC/rotors, power imput ,reciever imput, and other necessary connection. will be waiting for your rapid response sir..thanks

  2. Here is the rest:

    A cable must be made to connect the Tx and Rx from Uart/Softserial to the the FrSky Smartport signal wire.[5]
    In CLI of iNAV
    set telemetry_inversion = ON


    Go to model
    Page to TELEMETRY
    Connect a battery to the quad and power up
    Scroll down Discover new sensors
    AccZ, Tmp1, VFAS, GPS, etc. will now be listed
    Scroll down to Screen 1 and select NUMS
    Add the sensors that wish to be displayed
    Hold down PAGE at the home menu to display Smartport Telemetry data

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