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Last year i posted a list of great Android apps since i changed over from an iPhone.

Here’s an updated list of my current apps. I haven’t compiled a top 10 list, but

have a look at the top 10 apps from the previous article here.

Amazon Kindle – Digital Books
Angry Birds – Awesome game
Angry Birds – Awesome game
Angry Birds – Awesome game
Backup to Gmail – Backs up all your SMS/mms/calls to your gmail
Beautiful Widgets – Good looking time and weather widget
Bible – Best Bible App resource
Chrome to Phone – Send links or a page from your chrome browser straight to your phone
Docs – Google document on your phone

– Fastest Bible app
Facebook – Facebook…
FireFlies Live Wallpaper – Sweet wallpaper
Fruit Ninja – Awesome game
Handcent SMS – Best SMS application ever. Disable your default one and use this
LauncherPro – This is the best android launcher in

my opinion
Lookout – Locate your phone via GPS coordinates or make it ‘scream’ if you have lost it in the couch
Paper Toss – Awesome Game
Pure calendar widget – The best calendar widget
Quota – Good app for seeing how much usage you have used on your ISP or mobile. supports nearly every provider
RunKeeper – Awesome fitness app to see how far you have run
Schedalls – schedule SMS to automatically send at a specific time and repeat
Screen Filter – Makes your phone go dimmer to extreme levels to save battery
ShareMyApps – This app
collates all your apps and helps share/email them all to your friends
Shazam – Can tell you what songs on the radio are
Skype – Great for calling on data or chatting on skype
Skyrocket Live Wallpaper – Awesome wallpaper that has realistic fireworks show!
SMS2PC – My most used app. if your in front of your computer alot, this makes your phone like a chat client. you can reply to SMS from.a chat screen on your computer.
SMSBomber – Can spam your friends with sms
Titanium Backup – Backs up your whole phone
TripView – Shows all the bus/train timetables
Unblock Me Free – Awesome game
Virgin Usage Meter – Shows virgin mobile usage
Wunderlist – Great to do list
Zedge – Download free ringtones and wallpapers

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